Ebony Barefoot out of All Red Chucks Towards the very end of the day, this ebony woman who had her shoes on for hours takes her chucks off, I was
Ebony Nike Socks out of High-Top Chucks A rare instance when I catch someone out of those high top chucks. When I first encountered her she had those sneakers on
Ebony White Socks out of Converse Platforms Very rarely I will see a woman take off those Converse platforms as they look like difficult shoes to take off. To my
Ebonies out of High Top Converse The video starts off with one ebony woman out of her converses, she never has her shoes on no matter what she is wearing
Three’s Not a Crowd It’s great for me when I happen to stumble upon two people at the same time but rarely have I seen three people at the same
White Socks out of Dirty Forces and High-Top Converses I struck upon gold here, I really did not know what I would stumble upon. So this all literally happened in
Dirty Socks in the Summer 2 Another video from her in this period, the shortest one of the 3. She does alot of the similar movements this time out of
Ebony Barefoot out of High-Top Converse (Sole View) The same chick eventually comes back to the same spot later on in the day and takes her converses off again. This
Ebony Barefoot out of High-Top Converse (Front View) Never before have I seen someone High Top Converses off with no socks on, rarely have I seen anyone take off high-top
Blue and Pink Mismatched Socks out of All Stars Someone who occasionally has her shoes off but only got for the first time, in this video you are almost